Tuesday 25 October 2011

Welcome back to what promises to be a busy but rewarding term!

It is hard to believe that we are now in Term Four! This term we are starting to put together the puzzle of all the things we have learnt over the year. This term we are exploring the living world as part of our Inquiry. We will be focussing on the problem of what plants might be best to plant in the new planter boxes around the school. We will explore where food comes from and will be growing our own bean plants.  For writing we are exploring persuasive and descriptive writing and for maths we are looking at Algebra and numeracy. Keep an eye out on our classroom blog for photos of our Inquiry journey throughout the term.

Kite celebration - Term 3 2011

What a lovely sunny day we had when it was the kite celebration day. We all had such a great time flying our kites up into the sky. Enjoy some of the photos of the day...